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Remus John Lupin
Remus John Lupin

Number of posts : 29
Location : Gryffindor Common Room
Year : 1st Year
Wand : Yule
Registration date : 2007-06-11

Rules Empty
PostSubject: Rules   Rules Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2007 5:42 am

[color=#ffccff]Forum rules

Here we will develop forum rules more in detail, beginning with cases that our mods come up with or that we experience on the forums.


Spamming on the forums is forbidden. These posts will be either edited or deleted, or/and their authors warned (depending on the type of SPAM and the situation).

What is SPAM?

(1) Off-topic postse

Any post that is not discussing the current topic, even if it is related to another post that is on-topic itself, is considered SPAM.

A post may include some off-topic discussion (correcting others spelling, some "by the way" idea etc.) only if there is a bigger on-topic part in it. Yet, it's not recommended.

(2) Posts for raising post count

All posts that may easily be interpreted as attempts of raising one's post count, are considered SPAM.

That includes:
* one (or two, three) word posts (in addition, smilies are not even considered words);
* double-posts (reposting) – use the "Edit" button for adding info and don't make a separate post for each quote you reply to;
* sensless posts (like, "How do you think Percy will act next?" – "I don't really care." or "Do you like HP or LotR better?" – "I don't know, I have read neither." etc.);
* short posts that repeat what others have already said, adding nothing new to the thread.

In addition, try to keep your discussion higher than at a plain chat level!

Infringement of copyright

This is forbidden. That includes using other people stories, poetry, drawings, images, forum posts etc. You may use them only with author's permission. If you get no permission, you must not publish the work or significant part of it (edited or not) even if you give a reference to the author or the original item.

Offending & insulting

Offending and insulting other members is forbidden. That includes calling names, distorting images, swearing, imitating others nicknames, avatars, signatures.

There's an exception for this rule regarding the Secret society activities. Read it here.


You must observe other people privacy and you're not allowed to publish (or display publically on the Internet, including our site) any personal data of other people. That includes photographies, real names, addresses, phone numbers etc.

This is allowed if you have the particular person's permission to do that. The fact that a person has displayed that information by himself/herself somewhere, is not yet a permission.

DE/ OM Rules

Concerning DA vs DE game activities.

DA vs DE game activities may be carried out in other ways than just role-playing forums (like the shown attitude in other forums, respective private messages, chat sessions etc.).
Please take it with understanding and don't get offended! They are not meant to be personal.

A couple of general rules for playing DA vs DE game:
* Keep all the means of expression within PG-13 rating (FictionAlley has a nice rating description): rough or persistent violence is absent; sexually-oriented nudity is generally absent. Some scenes of drug use may be described and some use of the harsher sexually derived words may be included.
* When sending a game-related PM, include this at the end of the messages (required):

* Only active (who have posted in the corresponding secret societies forums) DE and OM members may be involved in this game.

Exclamation If you don't want to participate in the war in any way but forum posts, then let a DE or OM leader know it, they'll add you to a special list and you won't be disturbed anymore.

Use of the AK curse is strickly forbidden. Other unforgiveables are used by DE/OM members only!!!

Forum Signatures

Forum Decorum on Signature & Post Contents

Godrics-Hollow is a children-oriented interest, and as such, all threads, topics, and posts/signature contents are required to be suitable for people of ALL ages. Anyone who violates the rules will be warned and if warranted, banned from the site. The following are prohibited and will be deleted on-sight:

  • 1. NO Profanity/Expletives -- curse words, rude, crude, vulgar language.

  • 2. NO Obscenity -- no sexually suggestive language, explicit words, innuendos, offensive contents, or obsence images.

    3. NO Slash contents -- there are many sites for slash if you have the need for them; This site is not one of them.

    4. Personal insults, racist remarks, or bashing of another member will not be tolerated.
    Exceptions: If you engage in a debate with another member, you may attack the idea, not the person.

    5. Please be respectful of author J.K. Rowling and the actors who portray the Harry Potter characters. Reminder that this is a Harry Potter fan website and on the off-chance that some may visit, they should not be subject to negative comments. Personal insults directed at J.K. Rowling or any actor will not be tolerated.
    Exception: Stating a dislike to the HP characters

    6. NO bashing of Harry Potter. The Webmaster has worked hard to create a fan-based site where all Potterholics can gather together and talk about their favorite book. This intention will not be compromised by those who seek to post negative comments for the purpose of stirring emotions.

    7. Aurors & Moderators are here to help and assist with the running of the site. Anyone found to be slating any of the moderators of this site will receive a warning in the first instance. Persistently disregarding this rule will get you banned without notice.

    8. Signatures are allowed, but the images & content must not be offensive. If any members are found to have such signatures, they will be asked to alter them. Ignoring our wishes will result in it being removed, and your ability to use a signature will be withdrawn.

    [color:5f7d=green:5f7d]FREE SPEECH:
    For any Free Speech proponents, let it be said that the right to Free Speech mainly applies to a governmental action against a state citizen. Therefore, on a privately owned website, free speech is limited to some extent and subject to the Owner/Webmasters internal rules.

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